Casting technology and lightweight construction

Next generation casting

From concept to product...

With its expertise in the field of casting technology, Fraunhofer IFAM supports industrial customers in the casting technology implementation of an idea from the concept to the first prototype to the applicable product. Different casting processes and materials are available suitable for the respective problem.


...all from a single source!

Our experts in the field of casting technology and lightweight construction are able to map the entire process chain from the concept phase to casting design, toolmaking, casting production and final metallographic or non-destructive testing.


Novel technology combinations

In addition to the classical casting technology issues, we also support our customers in cross-technology manufacturing and materials technology issues. To this end, project teams from different areas of Fraunhofer IFAM or other institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft work together. Cross-cutting questions relating, for example, to corrosion, joining and adhesive bonding of castings, additive manufacturing, digitization, or artificial intelligence can be answered scientifically and application-oriented by an extensive network of employees. In this way, completely new combinations of technologies and material applications become possible.

Further information


Hybrid and compound casting

Novel joining technologies using cast components: Directly integrated metallic structures or also plastics or fiber structures are used to realize a multi-material design.


Core and mold materials

The demand for higher functional integration in cast components and the associated increase in component complexity on the one hand, and the demand for sustainable, energy-saving processes on the other, is continuously increasing. Both require the development of new core and mold materials.


Castings for electromobility

Fraunhofer IFAM has been working on electromobility and the casting of electric drive components since 2008. The focus is on the development and testing of new casting concepts and design methods for electric motor castings.


Sensor integration

Materials, components, and structures with a certain degree of inherent "intelligence" are a central research topic at Fraunhofer IFAM. A typical field of application is the monitoring of mechanically loaded components in operation in all its gradations.


Component marking

The reliable identification of castings is an attractive goal in many respects. For example, it permits the unambiguous assignment of production parameters to a specific component and thus enables quality documentation.


Simulation und modeling

An important step for every casting development is the process simulation, in which the design of the casting itself, but also of the mold, is checked for production-compatible design and optimized if necessary.


Plant technology

In the area of casting technology, Fraunhofer IFAM has a broad technology portfolio for a wide range of industrial applications. This includes equipment in the following areas: Die casting / squeeze casting, low pressure die casting, investment casting and gravity casting.