Farewell and thank you: Fraunhofer IFAM bids farewell to its long-standing institute director Matthias Busse on his retirement

For 21 years, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Busse worked as institute director at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, headquartered in Bremen. At the same time, he held the chair of "Near net shape manufacturing technology" at the faculty of production engineering at the University of Bremen. During this time, the institute has become one of the largest within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Matthias Busse can look back on relevant successes and pioneering developments. Now he retired on April 1, 2024. Prof. Dr. Bernd Mayer was appointed as his successor as executive director of the institute.
On April 1, 2003, Matthias Busse joined the management of Fraunhofer IFAM, leading to a thematic reorientation of the institute division and the adoption of the new name "Shaping and Functional Materials." His extensive industrial experience within the automotive sector played a crucial role in the further development of the institute. The expansion of networks, the establishment of regional innovation clusters and new cooperation models were successfully pursued. With dedication and foresight, he initiated "research across borders" and established new models of cooperation within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft with the Fraunhofer project centers "Lightweight construction and circular economy" in Wolfsburg and "Energy storage and systems" in Braunschweig. As a member of the main commission of the scientific and technical council, he provided strategic advice to the Fraunhofer executive board and supported startups during the spin-off phase. He was also active as an expert in numerous internal and external committees. Moreover, he was very committed to supporting students and young scientists in close cooperation with the University of Bremen.
Matthias Busse also led the institute through challenging times with a forward-looking approach. In 2009, the institute had to face one of the biggest economic crises in decades. The crisis prompted the institute to explore new avenues and business models. Among other things, Fraunhofer IFAM took off with the topic of electromobility. Matthias Busse played a key role in leading the "Electromobility model region in Bremen/Oldenburg" and the Fraunhofer lead project "Electromobility system research". Significant milestones were achieved with the expansion of major research topics, such as electrical energy storage, modern casting processes and additive manufacturing processes. The recent spin-off of Cast Coil GmbH is another example of this. To this day, this focus has made a significant contribution to the institute's success.
For these achievements, Matthias Busse was awarded the Fraunhofer medal on his retirement. The medal honors individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.
"We cannot change the wind, but we can adjust the sails" Aristotle. Matthias Busse has set the sails in the right direction. As a passionate sailor, we wish him always the right course for the future.
Continuity and change – focusing on the future
A change within the Institute's management means continuity and change in equal measure. The institute is well-prepared for this phase due to regular and comprehensive strategic processes. Just like other areas of society, research constantly adapts to develop technological solutions for current and future challenges. The Institute's seven core competencies - metallic materials, polymer materials, surface technology, adhesive bonding, shaping and component manufacturing, energy storage and conversion as well as automation and robotics - form the basis for future-oriented developments. These technologies strengthen sectors that are particularly important for future viability: mobility, energy, aviation, maritime technologies, medical technology and life sciences.
Focusing on tomorrow´s markets and needs, Prof. Dr. Bernd Mayer and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weißgärber are now jointly leading Fraunhofer IFAM into the future. They are experienced members of the institute's management and will continue to drive forward the process of continuous change with dedication.
© Fraunhofer IFAM, publication free in conjunction with coverage of this press release.
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