Education and Research
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hartwig is deputy director of Fraunhofer IFAM and works in the field of polymer chemistry. Beside his work at Fraunhofer IFAM he teaches at Faculty 2 Biology / Chemistry of the University of Bremen.
The education of Prof. Dr. Hartwig focuses on polymer chemistry. He offers the basic lecture „Introduction into Macromolecular Chemistry“ within the Chemistry Bachelor. This lecture is often attended by students from different master programs and by students studying education for school teaching. Within the Chemistry master´s program he offers special courses in polymer chemistry and teaches vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman).
Students have the possibility to carry out their individual studies in his group. Examples are the profile module within the Bachelor program, Bachelor thesis, research internships, Master thesis or Doctoral thesis. The topics are from actual research areas and are supervised by experienced scientists from the different Fraunhofer IFAM departments.
Research Topics
The research of Prof. Dr. Hartwig and his department focuses on the chemistry and technology of thermosetting polymers . Such cross-linked polymers are for example applied as adhesives, potting resins, coatings or as matrix resins for reinforced plastics. Sustainability is an important aspect in all research fields and is for example considered by the utilization of renewable raw materials, biologically degradable polymers, use of recycled polymers as raw material and use of carbon dioxide as carbon source. Continuous topics include examination of polymerization mechanisms, aging phenomena and the development of spectroscopic and other analytical methods.
Beside polymer research students theses might cover topics like surface technology, battery chemistry, coatings, 3D printing or the interaction of biological systems with technical surfaces.
Prof. Dr. Hartwig connects basic research with practical applications and sustainability is an important aspect in all research areas.
A current list of publications can be found at Scopus 8901154400 and the ORCID account is 0000-0002-3320-6414